~~NOTOC~~ ====== On the people concerned ====== [{{ :de:foto_carsten_hugo.jpg?240|Susanne Stier-Kniprath and Ernst Kniprath (Photo: Carsten Hugo)}}] Ernst Kniprath \\ Dr. rer. nat. (Bonn) \\ dr. ès sci. (Paris) Susanne Stier-Kniprath ===== Scientific career ===== up to 1966: \\ Ornithology in Bonn, Museum Alexander Koenig 1967 to 1979: \\ Biomineralization \\ Bonn, University, Institut für Zytologie \\ Bochum, University, Lehrstuhl für Zellmorphologie since 1990: \\ studies on population biology and socio biology of the barn owl (//Tyto alba//) by banding \\ ===== Special activities ===== since 1997: \\ foundation and management of a group of barn owl ringers (TytoHelgoland) in northern Germany. The data are stored electronically and will be made accessible to all members of the group.